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Frequently Asked Questions

What is HANFRA?

HANFRA is the acronym which stands for the Hamptons and North Fork REALTORS® Association, your local professional REALTOR® organization.

What is its purpose?

To support its members by providing programs, products, and services to help them achieve success with competence and integrity and by promoting the extension and preservation of the right to transfer and use real property in the five East End townships. (From the preamble of our Charter)

When was it started?

Although it can trace its roots back to earlier organizations and affiliations with local REALTORS® on the East End, HANFRA was formally chartered by the National Association of REALTORS® and the New York State Association of REALTORS® as a 503-B not for profit organization in 1996. Every two years is undergoes a national review, and if found in compliance, is issued a new charter for two years. We have recently completed that review, and have been approved until December 2008.

How do I contact HANFRA?

The best way to contact HANFRA is by phone 631-734-8310, by fax 1-866-941-8682 EMAIL AT HANFRA,  or mail to 6 Pond Street, Suite 2, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. The office is open typically from 9 – 4. On weekends, and after hours, the calls are rolled over to my home. So, please feel free to contact me anytime if necessary.

How is it governed?

By a Board of Directors whose members are elected annually in September from the ranks of REALTOR® members. Directors are elected to a three-year term and assume their office in January. Currently there are 11 members on the Board who meet at least once a month to establish Board policies and programs.

Who are the officers in the organization and are they paid?

There is a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, who are elected by the REALTOR® membership, and an Executive Officer who is appointed by the Board. Only the Executive Officer is paid. All other Board members volunteer their services.

What does the Executive Officer (EO) do?

His/Her primary responsibility is the run the day-to day operations of the organization, maintain membership information, input information into NRDS, collect fees and dues, track education requirements and ethics training, act as liaison to the state and national organization, act as a facilitator for programs and member inquiries, assist in arbitration and grievance procedures, generally serve as a resource for members, and any other duties requested by the Board. He/She is the only employee of the organization.

Do I have to join HANFRA?

That depends. If the company you work for has decided to become a REALTOR® member, then as a licensee, you must join and pay dues to the National, State and Local organizations. If we are your primary organization, you will remit your dues to us, and we will forward them to the respective organizations. If you have chosen to select another REALTOR® organization as your primary, then you will only pay the local portion to us.

What happens if I don’t pay my dues?

Your company will be billed and is required to pay your dues on your behalf. Your membership will be terminated, and you will no longer be able to practice as a REALTOR® . Also, your company may terminate your affiliation with them, since membership is a requirement to practice real estate in their company.

Who decides what my dues will be?

The National and State organizations decide each year what their dues will be. We have no control over those amounts. Your local portion, however, is determined by your local Board of Directors. The monies collected are used to pay for local expenses only, salary, office maintenance, insurance, taxes, and local programs, etc. For 2007, the Board has chosen NOT to raise your local dues.

Why should I support my professional organization?

That’s simple. The selling of real estate is a complex process, involving local, state, and national issues and procedures. One voice in protecting your rights, can hardly be heard. However, by banding together and networking, you become a member of a large group who can impact change in Albany and Washington, and at your local level. The real estate profession is under scrutiny from all sides, and your organization is vigilant in protecting your rights to sell real estate and benefit from that experience.

What are some other benefits of membership?

As a member, you will have free access to state and national information, news and publications, Code of Ethics training, reduced rates for conferences, professional training, designation courses, arbitration and ethics training and procedures, and the opportunity to impact government affairs and legislation.


As a member of HANFRA you will have access to the “Members Only ” section on three websites to assist you in your real estate profession: WWW.REALTOR.ORGWWW.NYSAR.COM and now atWWW.HANFRA.COM. Through the member benefit and affinity program sponsored by your national organization, you will be able to access discounted rates on home, auto, life, disability, and professional insurance, credit cards, home warranties and other financial services, and reduces purchase plans for Fed Ex, Xerox, Gateway, Dell, IBM, Lexmark, HP, Nextel, and Hertz products, to name a few. Check your national and state organizations web sites for the most current listing of providers.

As a member of HANFRA, you will have free access to NYS Legal Hotline, where free, authoritative legal advice is available to NYSAR members on legal issues pertaining to real estate practice (518-436-9727) Monday through Thursday 9 am-1 pm.


The information available on the State and National sites is virtually limitless and I encourage you to avail yourself of those resources.


6 POND STREET, SUITE 2, PLATTSBURGH, NY 12901 | e: | p: 518.561.8777

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